
Angela is a writer and poet from the backwoods of Texas. She’s many other things as well, including a wife, mother, liberal, feminist, mostly straight, LGBTQ supporter, avid reader, outdoor lover, a grand multi-Para and a self proclaimed starfish flinger. She has thoughts and opinions that could be construed as many things, including being seen as a crunchy, tree hugging hippie. Religiously speaking, she’s more Pagan than Christian leaning but basically a secular type. She has been busy producing free range children since 1991 and is currently engaged in raising wild things. She has walked through fire; therefore she may occasionally leave sparkles in her wake.

Early Childhood is her passion, as evidenced by the seven children that call her mommy. She considers herself to be a bit of an attachment parent, aka rebel, trouble maker and pot stirrer extraordinaire. Examples of her bucking the traditional system include co sleeping, extended breastfeeding, unschooling, engaging in gentle discipline (i.e., not spanking) and leaving kids intact. She would like to remind her readers that mommin ain’t easy!

Professionally speaking, Angela is an early childhood professional, trainer, conference presenter and writer. She holds degrees in Psychology, Sociology and Business. She has worked in the field of Early Childhood Development since graduating from Texas A&M in 1998. She is certified as an Early Intervention Specialist and has worked as both a Specialized Skills Trainer and Family Service Coordinator for several Texas ECI (Early Childhood Intervention) programs. After obtaining her MBA from Texas Woman’s University, she decided to stay in the field of Early Childhood and move into management. She served as a Team Lead, Program Coordinator and Site Director at LaunchAbility (Previously Special Care and Career Services). She has presented on numerous child development issues, in a variety of venues, most notably at a conference given by the Brazelton Institute. She has been a certified Nurturing Program instructor and a trainer for the Child Care Champions program. She is a member of the honor societies of Phi Kappa Phi, Epsilon Omega Epsilon and Sigma Beta Delta. Past and current affiliations include National Organization of Women, National Association of Professional Women, North Texas Association of Early Intervention Specialists, Burleson County Community Resource Coordination Group (Vice President) and First3years (continuing education committee).

She served as Vice President of fundraising for her son’s PTO before branching out into homeschooling. She is the founder of the North Texas Home-school Gay Straight Alliance. She holds an endorsement as an Infant Mental Health Specialist from First3Years (formerly North Texas Association of Infant Mental Health).  She has published articles in the First3Years journal, written as the Early Childhood Examiner for Examiner.com and been a contributor to sites such as Liberal America, The Bump, Modern Mom, Global Post, and Live Strong.




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Angela's Scribbles


Fledgling writer. Lover of chocolates, Big Brother, and all things random.

Choices Fanfic Archive

A Choices: Stories You Play fanfiction archive.

Daydreaming as a profession

Daydreaming and then, maybe, writing a poem about it. And that's my life.


Whereabouts of a Wanderer's Soul

Edge of Humanity Magazine

An Independent Nondiscriminatory Platform With No Religious, Political, Financial, or Social Affiliations - FOUNDED 2014

Even Deities Evolve

Love is Life, Live.

Object relations

"A Word of Substance"

my Lit Corner

"Writing is how I train a searchlight into the darker corners of my self and the world, as am sure I'd never do otherwise." - Pico Iyer

our silent reverie

A Journal Of Our Ruminations, Illustrations & Aesthetics.

Sarah Doughty

Novelist, Poet, Wordsmith

J. A. Allen

Scribbles on Cocktail Napkins

unbolt me

the literary asylum

Frank Solanki

If you want to be a hero well just follow me

Stories For All

Explore. Experience. Engage.

Jernigan Journal

Researching the Jernigan Family from England to America

The Blakeney Gazette

Research into the family of Captain John Blakeney

Baart Groot: Stories of Omega Genesis

The creative fiction of Baart Groot.


Always Writing, Always Learning


A Collection of Short Stories

Subdued Flamboyance

Poetry by Dr. Abhinav Majumder

stumble upon serendipity

Nothing haunts us like the things we don't say


those meaningless sounds


Oh! Take a shit, read a story. - My Mother on flash fiction

The Cat's Write

Milly Schmidt


"Let's enter into a magical world where colours form rainbow, darkness shines light and a door opens eyes."


Book Reviews ∙ Bookish Tags ∙ Book Discussions


Welcome to my world.


reflections on a passing life


Ramblings of the Cinema

Dr. Eric Perry’s Blog

Motivate | Inspire | Uplift

Little Fears

Tales of humour, whimsy and courgettes


Games, Illustrations and Short Stories


A fine WordPress.com site

Finding Hestia

The daily adventures of an aspiring domestic goddess.

A Long Overdue Journey

Life is a journey. A journey that never ends. One that is always moving forward. My journey is filled with its ups, it's downs, bumps in the road and a great many obstacles. It is here, in this moment that I wish to be open and vulnerable with all of you.

Dirty Sci-Fi Buddha

Musings and books from a grunty overthinker


art in words


stories we tell ourselves

An Unschooled Future

A journey into unschooling from a father's perspective.